Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Holidays are Near!


The 6th grade students just launched a new project for their Project Based Learning model titled Feeding the Needy. Since the holidays are just around the corner (time is just flying by!), we decided to incorporate the spirit of the holidays into this project. We have teamed up with Twin City Missions in College Station, Texas to help them give a special treat to those in need during the holiday season. 

The original focus of Twin City Mission was to meet the needs of homeless individuals and families. Through that service, which began in 1963, other areas of need were recognized and new programs were developed to help meet those needs. After almost 50 years of providing a home for the homeless, being a friend to the friendless and giving hope to the hopeless, Twin City Mission remains the foundation of support for those in need. Whether it is shelter, meals, clothing, household items or whatever, Twin City Mission operates on the premise of not seeing through each other, but rather, seeing each other through. 

The students seemed very thrilled to help others in their time of need. This week we will be in the Research/Work phase of the Engage! Learning model where students will work on the skills necessary to master this project. We are focusing on adding and subtracting fractions and decimals and how to incorporate these skills in the real world. We are thrilled to see how excited this project has made our student and are looking forward to seeing their final product.

Important upcoming dates:

All: Progress Reports - Tuesday, November 19th

6th Grade:  Progress Check - Tuesday, November 19th
                     Final Product Due Date - Friday, November 22nd

7th Grade: Final Product Due Date - Thursday, November 14th
                    Post-Assessment - Friday, November 15th

8th Grade: Bring Cans!
                    Presentations - Thursday and Friday, November 21-22nd

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What's up?? A note from Mrs. Charles

The 7th grade Pre-Ap students are in the Research/Work phase of our new Project Based Learning model. In the spirit of the Holidays, we are joining forces with the NJH Food Drive for the Brazos County Food Bank.  We are creating proportional relationships based off of the most common family sizes to the amount of servings needed daily for either fruits, vegetables or meats.  We are also investigating non-proportional relationships in this project along with many other math concepts.

Research/Work is the most important phase of the learning model.  Students have the opportunity to learn in a variety of ways that suits their needs.  As a teacher, I am seeing a deep understanding of proportionality and how to apply it.  Students are also learning what a non-proportional relationship is.  This concept ties into understanding slope in Algebra and rate of change, along with others.  We are building a foundation for future success!

It is satisfying to see light bulbs go off and students understanding what a constant of proportionality is.  It's even more exciting to see an equation generated and we can find any value given that same situation.

WE are doing that.  OUR students are meeting goals set for them and goals they set for themselves.  It is through this intimate learning model that I can see who is fully understanding and who needs extra help. When a student can turnaround and teach another student what they know is nothing more than amazing.  If you can teach it, you know it, right?  I sure hope so.  :)

I look forward to my students applying their research about proportions to our real-life project of creating proportional relationships of the amount of food each recipient should receive.  This project has more math concepts tied into it and we will be working on it until Thanksgiving Break.

If you have any questions about the project or would be interested in donating canned goods, please email me at  Our project is based around our collections, so the more the merrier!!!

Mrs. Charles